Boosters Meeting 3/13/2024

Boosters Meeting 3-13-2024

Attendance: Denny Costlow, Renee Rymanowicz, Paul Nelson, Pat Henry, Jodi Russ

Absent: Rich Stewart

Open House May 18 1-3pm Denny has fliers and will get them to the Jr. High and High School. Jodi will get them to elementary schools.

Evacuation chair for Braden to move him up into the stands. Then he can sit in the scouting chair with the arms on it.

Adopt A Road clean up Shannon will have to educate someone to take this over. All have to watch the video and sign off on the safety form prior to receiving the certificate.

Kate Schmus is doing the banquet. Check with her to see if she’s got it scheduled.

STEAM Night at MRE will be Wednesday May 15 5:30 - 7:30pm Jodi MUST get info to Denny this week to get it approved by Weber and BPS board.

MDE grant $26,446.48 is the total amount, including all levels, all teams, plus stipends


Boosters Meeting 5/13/2024


Boosters Meeting 2/12/2024