Boosters Meeting 5/13/2024
Attendance: Denny Costlow, Renee Rymanowicz, Pat Henry, Jodi Russ
Absent: Paul Nelson, Rich Stewart
Field for FTC has been pre-ordered. Renee will get the Explore and Challenge teams registered before turning over her FIRST account to Denny.
BX is going to STEAM night with the trailer if anyone wants to put their stuff in their trailer.
Denny has to look for the check for AA Hands On and hopes to bring it Wednesday night. Kevin Weber used funds from a discretionary fund to pay for it.
Friday May 17 banquet for BX. Loading trailer on Thursday for that. Dinner in cafeteria and awards in auditorium.
Saturday May 18 Open House 1 - 3pm
Need to order 3 more FRC radios.
FRC needs to order supplies, including pipe for electricity to get all equipment working in the shop area.
What supplies do FTC need?
BX has moved out of FLL rooms
FTC event will happen Nov 15-16, 2024
Explore festival will happen Dec 14, 2024
Can we fit in a Challenge event?
Still have to confirm that we have Fair parking for BX fundraising
Email Alex Chapman asking for registration to be on the signs