Boosters Meeting 2/12/2024

Boosters Meeting 2-12-2024

Attendance: Renee Rymanowicz, Pat Henry, Rich Stewart, Paul Nelson, Jodi Russ

Absent: Denny Costlow

General: Started with new financial software on Jan 1, 2024 and cannot get old information added so the data is now in Google Sheets. New software is BookKeeper. Currently it looks like we have negative balances because the starting balances are not in there.

Renee will be downloading all of the old files from her personal computer to a flash drive for whoever is taking over from her.

Status of entry door - Renee had to do an HR complaint regarding Tom’s notice about the door. Also filed two accident reports because the parking lot and sidewalk wasn’t salted. Currently have an allen wrench on a chain at the door. Door can be unlocked only if someone is at the desk. Otherwise, people will have to use the doorbell. 

Explore: No report

Challenge: No report


  • Not doing visits to the schools to recruit because we have 35 current 5th graders and 18 8th graders moving out. 

  • 5th graders - Build day Saturday, March 2 from 10am - 3pm - Programming Day Saturday, March 16 10am - 3pm So far I have Hayters and Chris committed to helping.

  • Girl Scouts robotics merit badges with FLAG and girls from Classical Thursday, March 7 at 5:30pm?

  • Trade Fair March 9 - We are on the entertainment schedule but don’t have a time yet. We will take a Challenge set up and as many FTC robots as we have running.

  • STEM night at MRE for the whole community on Wednesday, May 15. This will include robotics teams having activities at approximately 6 tables and the Ann Arbor Hands on Museum will bring 6 activities for $375 plus mileage. Beth Hayter is coordinating this. I’ve already secured the gym at MRE. We are potentially doing fundraisers for this. Should be able to use money from Mr. Tolly - need to get specifics to Denny to get it on the March 7 board meeting to approve this expense. Get it no later then Feb 23 to Denny for Weber to approve.

Open House - May 18, 2024 1pm - 3pm

Create a flier for this and get it to Sandy and all schools

FRC: Unveiling on Saturday 1pm

Creating a new website with Squarespace -

Need to get info for the new website for each of the levels to the 1023coachbedfordexpress email address.


Boosters Meeting 3/13/2024