Boosters Meeting 10/14/24
Present: Denny Costlow, Pat Henry, Jodi Russ, Nick Bird, Justin Hayter, Paul Nelson, Rich Stewart
Call to order: 6:40pm
Motion made by Paul Nelson and seconded by Pat Henry to nominate Justin Hayter and Nick Bird to the Boosters Board.
Effective August 1, 2024 Renee Rymanowicz has resigned from the Boosters Board.
Motion made by Rich Stewart, seconded by Paul Nelson to place Jodi Russ on the bank account for the Boosters to replace Renee Rymanowicz.
Nominate a slate of officers for the boosters
President Denny Costlow
Vice-President Paul Nelson
Treasurer Jodi Russ
Secretary Jodi Russ
Shirt orders for K-8 is in at Letterman in Lambertville. They said 2 week turnaround and will be offering a web store for all FTC teams. Parents will just choose from which design they want when placing an order.
Grant money from Boeing is in for FRC but several companies are not sponsoring or are reducing their contributions.
Rich reported that the Apple grant should be in soon, $3,000.
FTC Qualifier: Nov 15 & 16 - Still have 25 openings but are expecting that to fill up when the second round opens.
Need to recruit volunteers
Denny Costlow is event coordinator
Rhonda Williams is volunteer coordinator
Jodi Russ is food coordinator - both volunteer and concessions (Denny will check to see if we need permission from school for food truck - possibly Loaded Gastro was a Classical Engineers family)
BX Girls have become FIRST Like a Girl ambassadors and are highly successful already with their plans.They’ve started a new gmail account and all of the social media accounts and are planning events with the girls on K-8 teams.
Classical Engineers has been mentoring a Challenge team in Adrian to get them started with younger kids. We “loaned” them a SPIKE Prime kit that we had but would like to let them keep that, rather than replacing it for us, using funds from the Challenge level account. Pat Henry makes a motion Justin Hayter seconds to donate a SPIKE kit to the new Adrian team.
Denny, Jodi and Renee are meeting at the bank on Wednesday, Oct 16 to transfer the account.
FRC Events:
Trunk or Treat at Bedford High School on Wednesday, October 23 5:30pm
FTC event Nov 15-16 at the high school
Demo in Ida Dec 6 with Light Parade Dec 7
Explore festival is Saturday, December 14, 2024
We need to bring back requirements for BX kids to work with younger teams. We’re just not getting enough input from the high school kids with the younger kids.
Rich and Jodi both discussed that our Impact would be greater if we helped all Monroe County schools get their K-12 programs going and then trained up the kids in FTC so they would be more advanced when they start BX. Also, work with other notable teams to develop to become more competitive at the national level by working on details like a perfect autonomous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:03pm