Boosters Meeting 12/9/2024
Attendance: Pat Henry, Nick Bird, Justin Hayter, Denny Costlow, Jodi Russ, Paul Nelson
Absent: Rich Stewart
FLL Explore Event (end of K-8 season) - Saturday, Dec 14 9am - 12pm
Denny will contact Bruce for entertainment
Schedule will allow for time for teams to show their families their display between the sessions and the dance party
FLL Challenge Recap
FTC Season Recap - All 3 Bedford teams made it to the quarter finals
We could use new field walls
8579 might buy new 3D printer
All teams want to know more about CAD
5th Grade FTC team - begin in Feb (Greg as lead coach and several others helping)
Transition to Java for fall
Ida Demonstration - Very low turnout, kids had fun but it was very cold, the only people there were the following acts
Ida Parade - Second to last in line, very windy, Did good distributing candy Next year: Get there earlier and secure items better.
Tolley grant from BHS for laser printer? Pat will put together some price options and get them to Denny to request from the school.